Success Stories

From Mothers to Olympians, 6 year olds to my 94 year old Grandpa (who still golfs 3 times a week!), we’ve got success stories from them all. And every day we hear from more, so we decided to share some these stories with you. Enjoy!

Cassie B.

I have been trying different supplements, diets, detoxes and even exercises to cure my leaky gut and really nothing worked as well as I was promised. I thought My Gut Hero’s colostrum powder was just another empty promise but I was pretty desperate as I really didn’t want to go to see a doctor that would tell me to go full gluten-free. Long story short, it worked great. My leaky gut seems to have been completely cured. No more diarrhea, no more getting crazy tired, it has even subsided my binges for carbs and sugary sweets which of course has made a dramatic difference in other areas of my life…hello flat stomach J. Somehow this magical little powder has turned me into this health nut that just wants to tell everybody else about it, I may even start my own blog! Uh oh, now I think I’ve really lost it…thanks again My Gut Hero, Rob and Kate are da best!

Mark S.

I’ve trained and competed against Rob (he and his wife started My Gut Hero) in various capacities and I can vividly remember when he started “experimenting” with colostrum powder before and after workouts. Let’s just say I noticed. We used to be very similar in all our personal bests in lifting and our rides (bicycling) were always a toss-up on who was going to win. That all changed once Rob started to take colostrum powder both as a stamina booster and recovery drink. His lifting progress nearly doubled mine and soon his PB’s were blowing me out of the water, he also never seemed to tire – sounds a little cheeky I know but it’s how it felt to me as I was grasping for air and taking longer to get my heart rate down for another lift than him. He also continually smoked me during our weekly bike races, the guy’s determination seemed limitless so I finally had to ask him what his secret was. He told me he heard of these Olympic cross country skiers taking colostrum powder as an organic supplement to help give them more stamina and speed up their recovery times, and after seeing his improvements I had to give it a try. I was hooked just after my second regular use. I had the single best workout session of my life and I have never looked back since. I bothered Rob so much to get me more colostrum all the time that I like to think I was the one that pushed him to start My Gut Hero. We both have tried to cut corners and order cheaper, less ‘real’ colostrum powder before but nothing beats the 100% organic stuff. It’s amazing how you can really feel the difference. My success story other than knowing Rob? Since taking colostrum powder I’ve beat my PR triathlon time 3 times, including 2 top 5 finishes (before I could barely beat anybody in my heat), I’m also going to be competing in my first ever local strongman competition which is something I never would have dreamed of qualifying for. Rob may think he’s been my inspiration to what I’ve accomplished but he and I both know deep down it’s because of his kick a** colostrum powder.

Frederick (writing for Louie)

Hey, I noticed you guys don’t have any stories about pets yet so here I am! I first heard of colostrum powder from our vet as a possible health supplement to give our aging Labrador Louie. Like most big, pure bred dogs Louie suffers from hip problems and a form of doggy arthritis. He’s 13 years old and has lived an action packed life but his health issues confined him to his bed and his moping made us all feel his pain. I started mixing in your colostrum powder with his water and it really only seemed to take a couple of weeks before I started to notice him get up and explore the house a little more. I would come home to work and he would be there at the door happy as ever to see me which I can’t remember how long it’s been since he’s done that. We just got back from the Vet after a few months of taking the colostrum and he was given a glowing review and it seems the bone deterioration has slowed. We know he won’t live forever but it warms our hearts so much to see him back moving and happy. Thank you so much guys.

Cindy J.

My 3 year old son had a terrible time with ear infections since he was about 10 months old. The first few seemed standard for infants but then they became more and more frequent and were preventing him from getting any sort of good sleep. After he had to spend 5 days in the hospital at the age of 2 due to illness, I felt I needed to take action. The doctors said his lack of sleep was having a domino effect on his whole immune system and that it wouldn’t recover unless he got more sleep but he couldn’t get more sleep until he recovered. Discussing his options with his doctor, I decided to try My Gut Hero’s bovine colostrum powder first over the more unnatural alternatives. I am so thankful to this day that I did. It took a little bit of time but the colostrum really seemed to improve his health. His ear infections became more and more infrequent and he was finally getting a great night’s sleep. It’s been 10 months since his last incident which just seems all too unreal, his mood is so much brighter and he is just the perfect healthy little boy. I’ve got my husband and myself taking the colostrum as well and we can honestly say it’s made improvements in our health too, I think the biggest benefits being digestive. I cannot thank My Gut Hero enough for being there for our son but I will try – THANK YOU!

Ron M.

Hello, I’m Rob’s Grandpa. I’m 94 years old and would like to share my colostrum success story with you all. When I lost my beautiful wife of 63 years, my health really suffered. I was naturally extremely disheartened but I let it impact my physical health the most. My state of depression resulted in a terrible diet and a lack of any physical activity. To put it simply, I was slowly dying and was doing nothing to fix that. I did come to this realization on my own and tried to make a change but it was hard and my body felt too broken down to have enough energy to do any action. My grandson brought some of this colostrum with him on one of his visits and told me how to take it. I had nothing to lose and went along with what I thought was a wacky request. I don’t remember when I first felt its effects but I do remember feeling slightly stronger and more energetic as the days progressed. I started to slowly do some things I hadn’t done since I lost my wife. I made myself my first fresh meal in months, cleaned the house, went for a walk around the block. At first I could do only one small activity a day and then would feel too tired to do anything else but over time I would finish doing something and be ready for the next. Next thing I knew, I was tilling a vegetable garden, taking longer walks and I even completed my first wood project in probably 20 years – a garden bench so I can sit and watch the birds play in my new foliage. I believe that this colostrum powder has helped me immensely with getting my health not only back to normal, but above average for men my age. I now play in a men’s golf league three times a week and still have enough energy afterwards to tend to my garden and do other projects around the house, the next oldest in that group is 76! I know Rob has heard enough thank you’s from me for a lifetime so I thought I owe it to him to write a little bit about my experience with what he’s doing. I do recommend anybody who is unsure if colostrum can help you to just try it. I still take it every day and don’t have any plans to stop.

Emily N.

I’m a professional athlete and former Olympian; I’m actually trying to qualify for Korea 2018 right now! I perform in a sport where even the smallest increase in performance can result in you being victorious. It’s no surprise that athletes will do anything to get these miniscule increases and I believe colostrum powder is one of these things. My coach first recommended it to me a couple years ago and since then I have made sure it is with me at all times. It is an approved drug by the IOC and definitely gives me a leg up performance wise. It is gaining popularity and I see it more and more from fellow competitors, which is a little disconcerting. My Gut Hero’s colostrum has some of the highest concentrated immunoglobulin rates on the market and the fact that is 100% organic can’t be understated. I have tried weaker stuff and let’s just say you get weaker results. Not only does it improve my stamina and helps me recover fast but it also keeps me from being sick, which is a momentum killer because it means it’s one less day I can’t work out. I have seriously never gotten the flu or any cold while on this stuff. Keep your eyes for bovine colostrum making headlines in a couple years, it seriously packs a powerful punch.

Have a success story about our product you’d like to share? We’d love to hear from you! Plus, if we feature your story on our website* we’ll send you a free bottle of our 100% organic bovine colostrum powder. Just email me your story:

*We will ask for permission before we make your post public. We’d still love to hear about your triumphants even if you wish for it to remain just between us :).

Order My Gut Hero

$59.95 USD

100% organic bovine colostrum powder with  20% IgG. Be healthier, stronger and cure pesky ailments with this scientifically backed supplement. This powder is a pivotal player in our never get sick again movement and is also used by Olympic and Professional athletes.

Thank You

Our sincerest thanks for taking the time and learning more on how you can live a healthier life. We truly  want to see you grow and improve. You win. The world wins. Even if we cannot help you today, we would love to put a smile on your face in the future. Talk to us. We’d be delighted to hear from you!


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Getting sick is an option. My quest to never get sick started over 5 years ago and I haven't had a single cold or flu since. Now, I want to share my top 5 tips with you so you can join the movement too!

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